Sunday, November 7, 2010

Leaving a lover

Leaving Italy is like leaving a lover.  For a long time after, you think about how things might have been, wishing you were together.  You long for the sight of him, for his touch and the sound of his laughter.  Simple things remind you of him, bringing a smile, and then perhaps a frown.  Uprooted, supplanted, for the longest time you think about the way he would have done things.  You have no interest in anyone else.
You have to stop yourself reminiscing for fear of boring people.  You hear people telling you, "Sue, it's time to move on," but you can't help wishing it didn't have to be so.  No one else seems to understand what you need like he did.  You feel only half-alive without the joy he once brought to your soul.
With luck, with time, he will become a happy memory.

Bugnara castle and village in the Valle Peligna

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